It has been more than 22 years since Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol worked together in Baazigar. Since then, there has been no looking back for Bollywood's most desirable and loved on-screen couple! What with Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham,and My Name in Khan, the duo knows how to be brilliant, together. This on-screen couple won our hearts as Raj and Simran in DDLJ, and are back together to woo you all over again in Rohit Shetty's film Dilwale.
And we can't thank Rohit Shetty enough for bringing Kajol and Shahrukh Khan together. The shoot of the film has begun in Bulgaria and SRK even posted a picture of them posing together. Apart from the photograph, SRK's emotional message is heart-warming. He wrote:
"'Count ur age by friends, not years. Count ur life by smiles, not tears.' Lennon. By that maxim this team is ageless."
Although this is Kajol's first film with 100-crore club maestro director Rohit Shetty, SRK and Rohit Shetty's Chennai Express was a huge hit. Dilwale's shoot will wrap up by June 23rd, and the movie is slated for a Diwali release this year. The movie also stars Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon.
Here are 13 Kajol and SRK photographs that prove that their chemistry, even after a decade, can give anyone a run for their money!
1. Baazigar (1993)
2. DDLJ (1995)
3. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998)
4. Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham (2001)
5. My Name Is Khan (2010)
Dharma productions
6. Shahrukh and Kajol's photo shoot for a magazine. Don't they look effortlessly happy together? :)
7. Because people who sizzle on-screen together win awards together!
8. SRK and Kajol celebrated 1000 weeks of DDLJ on one of the episodes of 'Comedy Nights With Kapil'.
9. SRK and Kajol at the premiere of 'My Name Is Khan'. Kajol's laughter is proof that, even after decades, things are the same between B-Town's BFFs.
10. 1000 weeks later, here's proof why there won't be any replacement in Bollywood for Raj-Simran! :)
11. Director Rohit Shetty having a hearty laughter with SRK and Kajol!
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